Why should you hire React.js developers for website development?

React.js is an open-source JavaScript library maintained by Facebook, Instagram and a community of individual developers and corporations. It is used to build user interfaces for websites, mobile apps, and other applications.

The main concept behind React.js revolves around the fact that it should be written to ensure that any code you add to it will not affect performance or functionality or any other factors that might inhibit your website from working as expected. 

It is fast becoming one of the most sought after technologies when it comes to creating web pages because of its ability to keep data updated quickly while conserving memory space incredibly well. That means users get a quick experience every time they use your site.

Why should one use React, as opposed to Angular or Backbone?

This is a question that many people ask and usually come up with different answers to. Each framework has its pros and cons; however, if we focus on just JavaScript frameworks, it’s reasonable to state that React stands out from the other two big options in this field. 

It’s easy to learn and flexible, even for designers who have no prior knowledge of how JavaScript works. Since it’s open-source, there are a lot of community support groups where you can find solutions for problems encountered while building a website using React.

Another major benefit of using react.js developers for website development is that the current team you have hired for this job might need the training to understand better what it takes to build a website using react.

With React’s popularity on the rise, learning how to use it could be valuable in your future – since there are still companies and even individual developers who don’t know much about what React does and how it can be used to apply it to real-world projects.

Key benefits of react js for front-end development

With the growing demand for mobile and web applications, front-end development has become crucial. The rapid growth of JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React, among others, has shifted focus from traditional models of the back-end development to front-end with a considerable increase in the number of jobs. 

With more organizations realizing the need for robust front-ends, there is an increasing demand for JavaScript developers who can handle both front-end and back-end code.

A perfect blend of these two sets of knowledge can launch you into high paying jobs at leading companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Google etc.

Abstracting away DOM manipulation code

React js handles all your UI rendering and updates by creating reusable components responsible for their state. For example, if you want to use the same button component in various parts of your web application, you need to define it once and then use it whenever required throughout the app with little or no code changes on your part. The more complex applications become the stricter adherence to modularization and abstraction to avoid bugs and increase the reusability of code. With React JS handling all these rendering tasks on the front-end with a single library, you can focus on writing better performing and more reusable components.

Virtual DOM makes rendering fast.

React js uses a virtual DOM as its foundation, which means that it does not directly manipulate the real DOM. This is done intentionally to increase rendering speed by optimising React js’ internal representation of your UI elements. Thanks to this virtual DOM, your web app becomes extremely responsive even if it has a lot of dynamic content. In cases where changes are needed in the actual HTML code, React js employs an efficient diffing algorithm to update only those parts of the real DOM which have been affected by the changes instead of every piece several times over. This is also why React js works great for creating high-performance web apps.

Ease of debugging and error handling with JSX

React js uses an extension to JavaScript called JSX, which allows you to embed HTML tags within JavaScript code. Although this may seem like an unorthodox approach at first, it makes your life much easier as all the UI layout issues are dealt with just by editing the actual HTML markup instead of having to debug nested codes or IDs in some text editor. And since React js does not manipulate any real DOM objects directly. Still, errors are easy to track down and fix only their representation, even if they occur deep inside several layers of bound functions. 

While developers always have the option of using regular JavaScript code in place of JSX for React js if they wish, using the latter is recommended because it reduces the verbosity of code and simplifies debugging.

Declarative rendering that makes React apps component-driven

React js applications are composed of small UI components that are reusable across various app parts. These can be created by extending React classes or built-in ones like HTMLButtonElement. Because every instance requires its state, all changes to this data follow a strict pattern called “unidirectional data flow”. 

This means that you do not need to write any complex event handlers or use callbacks to update the state since “reacting” to events becomes very easy when using declarative rendering. The idea of describing what you want to see on the screen instead of how it should be done makes React js significantly different from traditional JavaScript libraries.

Virtual DOM, JSX and declarative rendering make debugging easy.

React js makes writing front-end applications a lot easier by providing a simple yet powerful API that allows developers to create well-structured code which is very easy to debug if required. For example, whereas in jQuery, you need to add event handlers in a certain order in case they depend on one another, React js automatically manages any dependencies between various components during rendering. This saves you from manually working changes when data dependencies change or adding new features into an existing app since “reacting” to events when using declarative rendering.

Modularization and reuse of components

Because React js renders your UI on the fly, any piece of code which has to be executed quickly must not depend on other parts, which can slow things down. As such, reusable components should only call functions inside their implementation instead of accessing data from other areas. 

React js helps you achieve this modularization by providing various lifecycle methods for each component to act upon multiple stages of its life-cycle like initialization, rendering and updating. This makes large-scale app development simple since all actions can be written in a single file without dealing with custom event handlers or nested callback functions.

Components can be tested in isolation.

A React js app is divided into small components, each of which should ideally perform one task and act as an independent unit. This makes testing individual pieces possible even without the need for real DOM objects or other external dependencies. 

The best part about React js is that because it uses virtual DOM, any component can always be reused inside another during rendering while still allowing you to test its functionality in isolation via this approach. This not only saves time but also reduces the number of bugs in your application since every piece of code has been tested multiple times before being used elsewhere.

React js comes with features like JSX and declarative rendering, making it easier to write front end code. The virtual DOM, component-specific lifecycle methods and modularization of various features allow for testing components in isolation without the need for real DOM objects or other external dependencies. This makes large scale app development simple since all actions can be written in a single file without dealing with custom event handlers or nested callback functions.

Why hiring React.js developers is the best decision you could make when developing your website?

React.js is an amazing framework that has many benefits for those who use it, and as you may already know – the community behind it is growing rapidly daily.

The advantages of using React.js are amazing, and as such, this will be a long article that I’ll split into parts so it won’t be too overwhelming to read everything at once.

Many people underestimate the need to experiment, which might be a bad decision for them from many different points of view. Experimenting with something new ensures that even if you fail, you’ll have a chance to discover a whole new world and learn so much more than what your competition is learning at the very moment while being stagnant in their ways.

As an example, hiring React.js developers enables you to push technology boundaries and stand out from the crowd by offering a better user experience, which translates into increased sales or any other desired action that you want users/customers to perform once they visit your website. In other words – experimentation provides tons of advantages for you and your business.

Of course, this is only the first part of many more advantages that you will find if you decide to go with React.js instead of sticking with jQuery or other frameworks/libraries out there that are far behind now in terms of what they can provide you.


Suppose your company or team isn’t up-to-date with all things related to react.js developers. In that case, you should consider hiring someone who has experience working with them before instead of risking getting someone who could end up wasting valuable resources.

Hiring an expert is one way for you to ensure that all your expectations are met with excellent results when building websites that function perfectly, especially when server load times are important.